Prof. Hyunjung (Helen) Shin

Ajou University (2006 – Present)

Professor, Dept. of Industrial Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Integrative Systems Engineering

Seoul National University College of Medicine (2006)

Research Professor

Friedrich-Miescher-Laboratory, Max-Planck-Institute, Germany (2005-2006)

Chief Researcher

Max-Planck-Institute for Biological Cybernetics, Germany (2004-2005)


Seoul National University (2005)

Ph.D. in Industrial Engineering / Data Mining

Professional Experience

Korean Society for Bioinformatics


Korean Institute of Information Scientists and Engineers

President, Education/International Dept. of the Artificial Intelligence Society

Korean Institute of Information Scientists and Engineers

President, Machine Learning Research Society

Health Insurance Review & Assessment Service

Vice President, Claim Software Inspection and Review Committee

Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning School

Member, Lecturer and Organizing Committee

Ministry of Health and Welfare of South Korea

Member, Health Technology Forum Committee

Korea Data Mining Society


Research Achievements

Google Scholar

4,091 total citations, h-index of 32, i10-index of 70


63 papers in international SCI Q1 journals (24 in the top 10% of JCR), 13 papers in domestic journals

Conference Presentations

117 presentations at international conferences, 214 at domestic conferences, and 8 published books.


33 applications and registrations


42 Best Paper Awards at domestic and international academic conferences

Invited Talks

107 invited lectures at industrial organizations

Juhyeon Kim

Ph.D. Student

Dept. of Industrial Engineering

Jaehyun Kim

Ph.D. Student

Dept. of Artificial Intelligence

Taehwan Yun

Ph.D. Student

Dept. of Artificial Intelligence

Jeongheun Yeon

Ph.D. Student

Dept. of Artificial Intelligence

Jinju Park

Integrated Ph.D. Student

Dept. of Artificial Intelligence

Junghyun Kim

M.S. Student

Dept. of Artificial Intelligence

Myungsoo Choi

M.S. Student

Dept. of Artificial Intelligence

Sangheum Cho

M.S. Student

Dept. of Artificial Intelligence

Junwoo Choi

M.S. Student

Dept. of Artificial Intelligence

Jongil Park

M.S. Student

Dept. of Artificial Intelligence

Euntaek Heo


Dept. of Artificial Intelligence

iljin Kim


Dept. of Artificial Intelligence

Ph.D. Degree

(Ph.D. in August 2022)
Post-Doctoral Researcher
Ajou University School of Medicine

Jong Ho Jhee

(Ph.D. in February 2022)
Post-Doctoral Researcher
INRIA Saclay

Taekyung Ha

(Ph.D. in February 2022)
R&D Center for PSK-INC Corporation

Myungjun Kim

(Ph.D. in August 2021)
Post-Doctoral Researcher
INRIA Saclay

Sunjoo Bang

(Ph.D. in February 2021)
Post-Doctoral Researcher
Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai

Dong-gi Lee

(Ph.D. in February 2021)
Post-Doctoral Researcher
University of Pennsylvania

Yonghyun Nam

(Ph.D. in August 2019)
Research Associate
University of Pennsylvania

Kanghee Park

(Ph.D. in February 2014)
Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information (KISTI)

M.S. Degree

Yoonshin Kwak

(M.S in August 2024)
Data scientist

Hyunguk Lee

(M.S in February 2023)
Korea Automobile Testing and Research Institute(KATRI) of KOTSA

Jaewon Lee

(M.S. in February 2023)
Data scientist

Jonghyun Jin

(M.S. in February 2023)
Data scientist

Myeonggun Park

(M.S. in February 2022)
Data scientist
Kakao Enterprise Corporation

Junhee Cho

(M.S. in February 2020)
Kakao Corporation

Hyungro Lee

(M.S. in February 2012)
Korea Institute for Defense Analyses (KIDA)

Hangseok Kim

(M.S. in August 2012)
Electronics and Telecommunications
Research Institute (ETRI)

Junwoo Lee

(M.S. in June 2010)
Korea Environment Institute (KEI)

Yeolwoo An

(M.S. in February 2011)
Cheil Worldwide

Tianya Hou

(M.S. in August 2009)
Hong Kong Politechnic University

Inae Choi

(M.S. in February 2009)
LG Electronics Digital
Appliance Research Center

Junghyun Mang


Sungmin Han


Jaehoon Gu

Assistant Professor
Hanyang university

Jae-jin Kang


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